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Kommuniti Hubs | Edible Gardens with Casey Lister - Patch Design

Sat, 25 Sep 2021
13:00 - 14:00

Grow It Local - Edible Gardens Kommuniti
You must register here for the link to the webinar https://bit.ly/CaseyLister25092021

Theme: Design your patch 101 - tips for landscaping your edible garden

Often the hardest part about gardening is knowing where to begin. Where should you grow your veggies for the biggest, healthiest crop? Where should the trees go? What about the paths?

If you’re just starting your garden journey and are facing a big, empty patch of lawn it can be totally intimidating trying to decide where everything should go. Or maybe you’ve been gardening for a while and you just aren’t sure what to change, move or improve?

In this AMA, I’ll be tackling all your edible garden landscaping questions, offering advice on making sure you plant for success and how to ensure your veggies, herbs and flowers get just the right amount of sunlight, water and nutrients from your soil.

Post your question in the comments online and I'll provide an answer during the live session.

See you there!

You must register here for the link to the webinar https://bit.ly/CaseyLister25092021

12 Galilee Grove, Joondalup, Western Australia, 6027, Australia

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